If you call me, I probably will not be able to answer. Since giving out my number at shows and other events, I have found myself spending 4 to 5 hours a day answering questions on the phone. Please e-mail any questions that you have and I'll get to those either in the evening or early morning.
I'd love to speak personally to each and every person that visits TexHAs, but then receiving new products would stop...packing orders would stop...shipping would stop....website development would stop....designing new products would stop...building new concepts and regular inventory would stop...everything would stop, unless I worked 24/7...and I'm about 80% there already. I got in to this to have fun and to offer unique and high quality merchandise for a fairly limited market. I may have underestimated the appeal of high quality, interesting, affordable and fun Western products. But those of you that are patient with me and plan ahead, will be delighted with what I can supply to you and you resellers will be even happier with how it sells for you. |

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TexHAs Products, Texas Style
TexHAs Inc.
3022 S. E. Loop 820
Fort Worth, TexHAs 76140
Visitors welcome any time, but appointments are recommended.
Email: harold@texhas.com